D K Bakshi

D K Bakshi
Location | Noida

D K Bakshi is a human resources professional with 26 years of experience in people and organisational development with expertise HR, OD and TQM. I am a writer have written two books and around 700 articles. His role in life is to build leaders with right attitude to create right attribute and move towards right aspiration. He tries to articulate my thought process with the people I work on their inner self and help them to unleash their talent to the maximum capability. He assists people to ignite their mind and behavior to translate their thinking into action to deliver business and personal results.

D K Bakshi has been in the corporate world now over two decades where in my life has been involved into people , people and people. He networks a lot and always like to meet different people from different cultures, and worked with around 9 cultures around the world.

D K Bakshi has been associated with two dozen business schools and universities on their advisory board, have been the vice president of delhi management association, Vice Chairman of Indian national suggestion scheme association, Vice President of AMCON, chapter incharge of quality circle forum of india, part of national chapter of quality management, chairman of ficci industry acadamia interface committee . He is also presently executive director of Indian Thai chamber of commerce. Many more however this should be fine at the moment.



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