Location | Gurugram

We are iqwat !

The literal meaning of this powerful kashmiri word is…


The Kashmiri Pandit community over multiple exoduses and more recently the one in 1990, has gotten dispersed and strewn all over the globe. As a result of this fragmentation, our rituals, traditions, music, food, language and culture as a whole are at a serious threat. In short, the pride of being a Kashmiri Pandit is dwindling and we may face extinction in a few decades. In order to protect and preserve our identity and the pride of being a Kashmiri Pandit, we will have to collaborate, do it together – do it iqwat.
iqwat is a mobile application envisaged to bring us together, savour & protect our culture and keeping our traditions alive. Of the KPs, by the KPs, for the KPs.
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