Kcalpana Kala Kendra

Kcalpana Kala Kendra Kcalpana Kala Kendra Kcalpana Kala Kendra Kcalpana Kala Kendra
Location | Noida

Kcalpana Kala Kendra having an experience of more than 30 years in Teaching & Performing different dance forms. We specialise in #Bharatanatyam Classical Dance form. Also #Hip hop, #Contemporary #Bollywood #Salsa

Kcalpana Kala Kendra is a regular dance and music school for normal families, there is also an NGO under this school where people of BPL & physically challenged persons learn for free, helping them in making a career in dance & music.

Kcalpana Kala Kendra is based in L-101, Sector 11, Noida


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