Suitable alliance for my son based in Australia

Suitable alliance for my son based in Australia
Parents |

Father: Rakesh Bhan ( Self employed) originally from Driabyar, Habba Kadal
3.Mother:Jyoti Bhan (EN-Age Care facility), originally from Banamohalla, Srinagar
3.Sister: Tanishqa Bhan (Younger Sister, pursuing further studies)

P O B | Jammu
Location | Perth, Australia
Status | Unmarried
Height | 5ft 6in
Profession | Employed
Qualification | Mech Engineering & Finance
Manglik | Yes
Gotra | Kashyap

Rashi :  Aquarius ;

Slight Manglik


Qualified Mech Engineering & Finance from Curtin Uni Western Australia

Currently working as Sales/Applications Engineer, for a MNC Australia and based in Perth.

Seeking for a KP girl preferably,  who is Australia based or willing to settle in Australia, & born after 1995.





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