KPonline | Connecting ROOTS  


Namaskar Sarini,

Over the last few years, internet has evolved in every aspect of our life. With the technology taking over, we have no option but to adapt to newer ways to be progressive. We are proud of our Kashmiri Community who are now established and spread over all continents. Many of KPs are working at senior most levels, our business owners are dominating in all the sectors with their skills, presence of mind, high IQ levels, dedication and passion. 

While establishing ourselves, we have lost our connect within our biradari and ROOTS. In the recent times, especially after the global struggle, I tried to connect with our Community members and realised a huge gap that we need to bridge in. The other communities, are close knit and have developed a culture of belongingness with each other. I found many websites / apps, developed by own members or associations, but were not updated and/or completely controlled by Admin(s), having no direct access to own pages/posts – which was really disheartening. 

A few months back, I took an initiative to design and develop an independent and self manageable website EXCLUSIVE for the KP’s. We are still identified by our ancestors, our locations in Kashmir or simply by OUR ROOTS.  So was created with the thought where-in all Biradari members can Join, share, collaborate and promote. It is worth mentioning that we have so much wealth of knowledge within our Community which needs to be shared as a repository for the next generations.  This information on Literature, Culture, Education,etc., will be a goldmine for our future generations, whom we expect to be our torch bearers.

What is different in KPonline ?

KPonline is a subscription based listing platform to connect with our community members, highlight our Expertise and Services, know more about their Kashmiri ROOTS, their present locations (globally) and much more.  All this information and their professions like Doctors, Lawyers, Businesses, Guru ji’s, Performers, Tutors, etc. is to be shared by the member themselves.

By including Categories like Real Estate, Restaurants, Matrimonial or Selling your items (used/new) online are also possible within this portal. In addition, a section  named ‘KHABAR’ which deals with information about Obituary , Marriages, Yagneopavit, Birthdays, etc is also as a part of this portal.

Seeking contributions from every member to the knowledge bank in the section ‘KAATH BAATH’, Post your articles in different sections. With limited dependency on Admins, members can have direct front-end access and manage their own listing(s), instantly upgrade their own plans online. Over and above, there is NO DONATION or SALES COMMISSION involved. 

To summarise, has four major sections namely, Member Directory, Listings, Community News and Blogs. We do believe in keeping our traditions, values and culture alive in our young generations, which is possible only when there is an active participation by todays KP Youth. Let’s collaborate and communicate to make a huge success.

Humble request to all KPs across the globe, to join in and engage actively .

Sanjay Koul

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