Kashmiri Samiti Delhi

Kashmiri Samiti Delhi (Regd), is one of the premier and oldest Kashmiri Pandit organisations in World.
The aims and objects of the Kashmiri Samiti Delhi are :
(i) To take appropriate measures and steps to promote the Kashmiri language and preserve the cultural and social heritage of Kashmiri s, to promote an understanding and enrichment of the moral values and cultural heritage of our society for the forthcoming generation; and to organise and celebrate social and cultural function with these ends in view.
(ii) To promote brotherhood amongst the Kashmiris residing in Delhi.
(iii) To set up educational institutions/schools for the benefit of poor and needy students.
(iv) To sponsor housing and other co-operative societies for the benefit of the members.
(v) To open and run rehabilitation centers for providing assistance and shelter to widows and orphans.
(vi) To render financial and other assistance to needy Kashmiris.
(vii) To provide guidance and help to Kashmiris seeking opportunities for employment.
(viii) To acquire land by purchase, lease, mortgage, gift or otherwise, and to construct buildings in order to fulfillvarious objectives of the Samiti.
(ix) To create Trusts to further and attain the sundry targets.
(x) To undertake all such activities as are conducive to the above noted aims and objects of the Samiti